Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Season

I hope that you all take some time over the next few weeks to reflect over your blessings. It is easy to feel sorry for ourselves or to get stuck in a negative mindset when times get crazy. We all know the holidays are going to make times crazy. Take a minute to look at your life and think about how blessed you are. If you are feeling overwhelmed step back and take a breath.
For me this is easy. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and kids, good friends and great career opportunities. I love my job, the people I work with and the effect I am hopefully having on the students I am blessed to work with. Even with all of these blessings from god, I find myself complaining from time to time. When I step back and think about the wonderful life I have I feel foolish. Having a job that allows me to work with young people is truly a blessing and I hope you all feel the same way. There are people all over the country, across our county, in our neighborhood and in our families that have lost jobs or they are stuck in jobs that they do not love. Think about how lucky we are to be trusted with shaping the minds of the future.
Take time to relax, enjoy time with your loved ones and reflect on the difference you are making in the lives of our students. Remember life is not about material things, but about the difference you make while you are here.

1 comment:

  1. I count my blessings every day. Doing something that you love to do and being able to see the excitement in children's eyes is the biggest thrill. Today at Sweet Treat Fair, the children were so engaged and interactive. Yes, it was noisy and yes, the whole process can be maddening at times, but to see the end result makes it all worth it. It's the today moments that keep your mind active and ready for the next quest.
