Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Blues

I want to build on the message I posted last week. This past Sunday I took the message at church to heart and I want to share some of it with you. During this holiday season be sure you remember what the meaning of the season should be and what your memories are from your childhood. Often in our culture we hear people say things like "I can't wait for January" or they are complaining about all the dinner parties they have to attend. They may even be complaining about having to travel to see family or because their family is coming to stay with them.
If you fall into any of these categories think about what the holidays should be about. I can assure you there are people all across the world that would love to have a warm dinner so we should not complain about being invited to dinner. You set your schedule. If you don't want to attend the staff party, or another invitation that is fine, but don't complain about being invited.
As for complaining about having to travel to see your family or them coming to stay with you, be thankful you have the opportunity. There are families all over the country that would love to spend the holidays with their son, daughter, mother or father, but they are overseas fighting to ensure we can enjoy the holidays and our freedom. I know some of you may have a Griswald family like me, but any time with those that love us should be valued time. Once we lose those we love we will never get that time back. Be thankful and enjoy the time.
When I look back at the holiday memories I hold closest it is not about presents I received but about traditions my family formed. I loved playing football in the snow with my brothers on Christmas day. I remember all the decorations and foods my mom always had for us and the music she played. What I am saying to you is simple. It is not about presents you can buy your kids, or maybe you can't buy your kids this year. It is not about what you will receive or not receive, but about the spirit of Christmas. Enjoy the holiday season and the traditions your family has. If you don't have any strong traditions take some time this year and form a new tradition that your family can enjoy this year and the years to come.
Enjoy the well deserved break. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to lead such a great team. Happy Holidays!!!

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