With the holidays approaching fast it is important to take a minute to enjoy our loved ones. I would challenge you all to spend as much time relaxing with those you love as you can over the next week couple of weeks. This time of year is also a great time to reflect on our lives and give thanks for all the blessings we have. I will get you started and I hope you will add your comments to the Blog.
I am thankful that I have been blessed with a wonderful, patient and understanding wife, who is an incredible mother. I am thankful for two happy healthy kids that are full of life. I am thankful for the career opportunities that have been provided to me and I am thankful that each day I get up for work I am going to a job that I love. Hopefully you are thankful that you have the opportunity to work with wonderful students each day and you get to shape the person they will become. Take some time and give thanks over the next couple of weeks and find an opportunity to help someone that is not as fortunate as you are.