As we begin to reflect on the year that is upon us I will be leading a team through a process where we will be digging in Antioch's goals to determine why we are here. It is easy for us all to say we are here for the kids, but that is not enough. What specifically do we as a school value? What must our students leave us with?What are the bottom line non-negotiables?
I have talked to you about my love for sports, influential coaches and teachers I have had and my desire for you to have that same impact many times. Grant Wiggins stated, "What distinguishes the teacher as coach from the teacher as teller, and the teacher as activity provider is the overwhelming commitment to assist with and study the students' attempt to learn and perform with understanding." This effort is what will ensure you reach every child and provide them with the ability to perform no matter the situation they are faced with. Over the next few months we will be having discussions focused around our beliefs, our mission, and our vision for Antioch and its 786 students. Be sure what you state you believe matches your actions.
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