I fall into the last category and as a Cincinnati Bengals fan I only have about two weeks of excitement before the realities of my team set in and I have to begin pulling for my other team, the Carolina Panthers. With this said, I want you all to be as excited about the "new season" that is among us here at Antioch. Remember this is just the beginning of the season. As any good team does, we have set goals. As a school we have set our Super Bowl goal of achieving Honor School of Excellence. We have also set grade level goals and benchmark targets that are all aligned with the bigger goal. It is key for any team that all players are working together with the same goal in mind. If the quarterback of the team throws 3 interceptions, or does not make decisions that are aligned with the goal it will be very difficult for the team to reach the desired destination. If a lineman on the team is not blocking it will be impossible for the quarterback to lead the team down the field. Each team is only as strong as its weakest link. It is the teammates' job to help make those around them as strong as possible.
Wednesday we had a wonderful start to our year long staff development program. During the session I pointed out to you how some grade levels had every member list something different as their strength. This is why collaboration is key. Just as in football or any other team game it takes strong communication and teamwork to reach our goal. Use those around you to improve your game. Collaborate, work together, and build that strong team chemistry that will help you through tough times. All teams stumble at some point in the season. The key is not to allow your teammates to get stuck when they are struggling.
It is my job as the "Quarterback" or leader to make decisions that will help us achieve our goal. As you know I called a huge audible with the method in which we will be utilizing our assistants. I know this is pushing many of you out of your comfort zone, but I truly believe this is what is best for the "team". As any leader it is my job to be the key communicator and supporter of the team. Sometimes a leader or coach needs to sacrifice what one team might like in order to do what is best for the "TEAM". If a team has a great defense, a coach might choose to play a slow paced game, which would not be appreciated by the offense. We have great assistants, so I need them working with students in all grades. I hope you all know my decisions are inline with the Super Bowl goal of Honor School of Excellence. I know this team will rise to the challenge and we will reach our goal.
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