Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Reflection

Spring Break is here!!! I want you all to take the well deserved break next week to reenergize for the stretch run. Throughout this year I have tried to challenge you to grow as teachers. We all have different strengths that we bring to the table and areas that we can definitely grow in. This year we have focused on three main areas: integrating technology, increasing the amount of small group instruction and becoming more culturally proficient.
Take some time over break to think about these three areas. Have you grown in these areas and if so how much? Just as I say with the students "it is all about growth". We all began this year at different places in each of these focus areas. take some time and reflect on your starting point and the growth you have made. This will be the same focus areas we will have next year, but we should be further down the path than we were this fall.
I want you all to know that I have spent some time reflecting on what I have been seeing this year and I am happy to say it has been impressive. I see technology bringing the classrooms alive. I see small groups from kindergarten to 5th grade. I see teachers trying to "meet students where they are". All of these make me proud and al confident we will see the results this May. When we return we only have 25 school days until the testing season begins and we need to stay focused. As I keep telling Ryan at baseball practice "keep your eye on the ball". We are in the home stretch of the year, but we can not relax yet. When we return come back prepared, focused and ready to push through the end of the year, our kids deserve it.
I am proud of what I am seeing and you all deserve the break. I hope you all have time to relax, rest and enjoy yourself and your loved ones. The picture is just to remind you how wonderful you job will be in July:) and because I am excited about opening the pool this week.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Never Underestimate an Underdog

I know some of you think I refer to sports too often, but this week I can't help it. I look forward to March Madness all year and today a huge underdog almost ruined my bracket in the first round while another made me look brilliant. Today, Robert Morris a 15 seed took Villanova a 2 seed to overtime before losing a heartbreaker. Shortly after that a 13 seed Murray State handed a 4 seed Vanderbilt a first round loss. Then later in the evening my heart was stepped on when Ohio (14 seed) dominated Georgetown (3 seed).
This only happens if the players and coaches believe it can happen. When we talk about meeting our students where they are that includes believing in them. We must believe they can succeed and they need to know that we believe in them. It will not be easy to overcome the baggage many carry with them, but we need to convince them that they can overcome any obstacle if they believe in themselves. Take the time to build them up and to convince them that they can be the underdog that beats the odds.
It is easy to coach a team loaded with talent, but any coach will tell you the most rewarding years are those that their team outperforms expectations and overcomes challenges. Take the time to "coach" them up and beat the expectations that were set this fall.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Get Ready, Get Set, Go

I know you all have heard me say "180 Days of Purpose" so many times it probably makes you sick. That is fine, but I believe it and we must live it each and every day we come to work. It is our job to shape the young minds we work with and we don't have any time to waste.
A coupe of weeks ago I had the privilege to sit down with the superintendent of CMS, Dr. Peter Gorman to discuss leadership. He spoke to my class one Saturday morning. He said many great things that I hope to model for you all about leading a school or a school system. One comment that he made jumped out at me as another way to stress the importance of utilizing every moment.
He spoke of the school year as a 180 lap race. Then he discussed the students that run 20 or 30 laps over the summer with their parents. These are the students that read with the parents every night, someone reads to them, and they most likely gained some great experiences over the summer to help improve their schema. Then he talked about the students that don't even have the track shoes to run the race. This took me back to our cultural proficiency training from a weeks ago. What are we doing to help these students, so they can successfully complete the race? Please remember what we talked about in our training session. Equal treatment does not necessarily mean fair treatment. Meet your students where they are and help them to run the best race possible.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stay Out of the Way

The past few weeks have been amazing to watch. Not only have I witnessed amazing instruction in practice, but I am seeing teachers step outside of the SCOS to teach our students about being quality citizens.
Earlier this fall our 3rd grade students helped to raise money for UNICEF and over the past few months many others have also stepped up. Our TAs raised money to help Anita's family. Our students have helped to "Stuff the Bus". Our 4th graders conducted a coin drive to help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti and our 5th graders had the opportunity to show our support to a 20 year old soldier who put his life on the line so we can all lead the wonderful lives we lead. The 4th grade teachers have spent time teaching their students about segregation and equal treatment. This unit has been amazing to see and hear about. The students have been pushed into uncomfortable situations and forced to discuss and reflect on the feelings they encountered (sound familiar).
I am so happy to see that you all are not only teaching the SCOS, but you are also helping to mold better citizens. Never lose sight of the fact that we must jump on teachable moments and run with them. The SCOS is important, but the most important thing you do is reaching a child where they are and pulling them forward. Help them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Keep up the good work!!