We hear the term problem solver all the time. When we discuss 21st century skills it is one of the first things we mention. Are we preparing students to be problem solvers? I hope so. Being a problem solver is one of Dr. Davis' core values. He expects us to come to him with ideas not just complaints and I do my best to model that core value. It was also one of the expectations I shared with you in our opening staff meetings the past two years. I also explained the need for adults to be problem solvers if we are going to continue to grow as a staff and as a school. Are you a problem solver? During these tough economic times it is more important than ever to be creative and to think outside the box. As I watch the staff, interact with you and observe things throughout the day, I have come to the conclusion that the staff is made of two types of people. Those that solve their own problems and those that wait for someone else to solve their problems. This week I was talking to two teachers about tutoring and they explained they were planning a "Lunch Bunch" for extra math support. That is the definition of problem solving in action. If we all looked at situations like this, the sky would be the limit as to what we can accomplish at Antioch. When you come across challenges or frustrations do something about it. The challenge I have for you is simple, BE A PROBLEM SOLVER.