Watching my son Ryan who
is only seven navigate the computer is an amazing thing. This
evening he was using the flip video to record movies that
he was creating with his legos. I remind you he is seven and
he is zooming in and out, editing the different videos and saving them
to a CD. He plans to merge them together with help from dad. He needs to have the ability to create in school.
If you want your students engaged and excited, let them create.
Our students need to see that the curriculum they are experiencing is relevant. They must have the ability to utilize technology. They must understand how they connect to our community and the world. They must gain the ability to analyze data and develop plans to improve it.
I want you to think about how these things are reflected in what I am asking you to do. Collaborate on Moodle, use the technology in your classrooms, connect your lessons to your students lives, reflect and use data to improve instruction. For many of you this is challenging, but we cannot stop the momentum we have gained. It is our responsibility to provide our students with these opportunities and we ourselves must model these skills. I know this can be scary for many of you but I ask you to step outside of your comfort zone to give our students what they need. Remember an amateur built an arc that survived the great flood and the best engineers in the world built the Titanic, which did not survive its first voyage. You do not need to be an expert, but you do need to take the first step. OUR STUDENTS DESERVE IT.